Don’t Put Your Property To Auction Until You’ve Done These 5 Things

Putting your property up for sale is one of the biggest decisions a home owner has to make. Whether you’re looking to trade up, downsize, diversify, or you simply want a change of scenery, one thing’s for sure, you’re going to want to get the best possible price for your property come auction day.

There are several moving parts in the process of putting a property up for auction. Most simply, first, you need to get the right buyers through the door, and secondly, you need to convert them to enthusiastic bidders on the day of the auction!

However, if you’re looking for shortcuts before the auction, or are not prepared to put in some planning and legwork before the inspection phase, prepare for disappointment.

To truly maximise your property’s value, there are 5 key things you need to do. Don’t put up your property for auction until you’ve committed to doing ALL of the following:

  1. Explore new room configurations –

It’s unusual for people to switch rooms around once they are living in a property. Things become comfortably familiar, and there is simply no great need to look for improvements. However, switching around rooms in the home (as well as experimenting with internal layouts of the individual rooms themselves) can reap great rewards.

Simple tweaks to your rooms, such as converting a storage room to an additional bedroom, office, or media centre can yield much greater interest from buyers and result in a better price for your property.

Consider the flow of rooms from one to the other, as well as the flow within a room. For example, simple tweaks such as moving the bed is a cost-free way to make a huge impact on the impression of space in bedrooms.  Moving the all-important TV and re-positioning sofas is another way to really open up living spaces.

  1. Professional Property Styling –

Selling a property is as much about selling a “dream” as it is about selling bricks and mortar. To ignite your buyers’ interest, it is critical to impart a feeling of aspiration during the inspection process. As a seller, it is your duty to appeal to the buyer’s sense of desire – to create a space they would feel an achievement having purchased.

Clever property styling which creates a cohesive look and feel throughout the property is a sure fire way to appeal to buyer’s dreams and desires.

Hiring a professional property stylist is a hands-off way to maximise the appeal of your property. Professional stylists not only have the know-how on how to market your property, they can also supply many of the needed furnishings for a small fee. Should you decide to DIY your home’s styling, look to interior blogs and magazines for tips and trends you can incorporate into your particular property.

  1. General de-cluttering –

Before any meaningful property styling or home beautification can commence, a comprehensive de-cluttering is a must! While you may love your organised chaos’ and knick-knacks, these trinkets and clutter not only detract from the overall appeal of the property, they can easily deter buyers who may not share your taste or habits.

It is strongly recommended that any unnecessary objects or clutter be stored away (or hidden) from sight for the entire inspection campaign. And remember – if you are methodical in your de-cluttering and use storage boxes for unwanted items, this process has the added benefit of helping you pack down your home when it eventually comes time to move!

  1. Landscaping –

Improvements made to the landscaping of your property pay huge rewards on auction day. Buyers are attracted to outdoor areas that offer them an added space for entertaining, relaxation and provide an outlet for hobbies such as gardening.

Even if you are no green thumb, or do not have large gardens to tend, a tidy and well-kept outdoor area should be on your to-do list well before the campaign rolls around. Start paying extra attention to the health of plants in the months leading up to the photography and inspections.

Fill any bare patches of soil with coverings such as wood-chips, turf or potted plants. Decks and outdoor tiles should be high-pressure cleaned to remove any mould or build up.

  1. Pre-sale cleaning –

Last, but certainly not least, is the absolute necessity to engage in a very thorough pre-sale cleaning regime before putting your property on the market! Cleaning and rejuvenating all areas of your home – ridding them of dust, dirt and debris, results in a fresh and sparkling impression for buyers.

Shiny streak-free and cleaned windows, gleaming tiles, impeccable steam cleaned carpets and scuff-free skirtings will set your property apart from the rest, and attract higher bids at auction.

As pre-sale cleaning routines are very comprehensive and can be quite gruelling for home owners, outsourcing this task to a professional cleaning company is advised. Experienced pre-sale cleaning firms know exactly what finish and standard of cleaning is required to compete in the market and attract the best price outcomes.

Talk to Clean House Melbourne today for an obligation-free discussion about how Their pre-sale cleaning service can help maximise your property’s sale price and speed your property’s sale.

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