A Clean Home Sells Much Faster – Top Tips to Do it Right


Are you looking for a way to sell your home more quickly and at above market price? Or how long have you listed your home for sale without any positive results? Arising from a group of high-end real estate agents surveys, it was discovered that some pre-listing exercises ensure that a property sells faster and at a better price. Many things such as price tag, house cleaning, quality agents, interior design, and much more were mentioned in achieving this aim.

However, out of the numerous factors mentioned, cleaning takes the upper hand to be the most significant factor to sell a home much faster,if properly done.No wonder this type of service is given special attention in cleaning services – termed Pre-Sale cleaning.

Making your property as clean as possible is of great significance to a timely buyers’ turn around. Cleaning will not only sell your home faster but also guaranteed better offers from multiple prospective buyers. When an interested buyer steps his or her feet in your home, they expect everywhere to be meticulously cleaned, tidy, free of junk and mess.

It is not the time to be giving excuses that your cleaning service is already on their way or your professional cleaner disappointed you. No! Potential buyers want to see a property that is taken care of and well maintained. The question now is how you can sell your home much faster with optimal cleaning?

Remember you must get it right regarding the professional to be hired for the work. Ask them if they have Pre-Sale cleaning service like Clean House Melbourne which has helped many homes in Melbourne and its environs to sell faster and better with their professional Pre-Sale cleaning.

This content will share some top tips to get this done perfectly with a good result in a timely manner.

How to Prep your Home to Sell Faster Through Quality Cleaning

A quality cleaning aims to put your home in such a way that will increase its market value and attract prospective buyers for better offers. In the real estate market world today, cleaning your home prior enlisting it for sale is a wise and essential decision. This is because surveys have proven that a clean home sells faster and at a higher rate compared to otherwise.

The first impression your home creates through cleaning does count in its chances of getting booked for a possible transaction. Quality images of your home displaying cleaned and well-maintained spaces attract potential buyers to make inquiries about the home for possible sale. A clean home increases its market value more than 50%. The secret is that your home must first appeal to the buyers before any negotiation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][gem_list]Below are some top tips to sell your home much faster and at better offers thorough Pre-Sale cleaning services:

Pre-Sale cleaning

This is a complete home turnaround aimed at presenting your home to the potential buyers for faster and better offers. Pre-Sale cleaning makes the home more appealing to luxurious buyers that offer a higher rate for your property. This is not a regular or routine cleaning but a purposeful and targeted cleaning to add value to your property.

This cleaning service is worth investing considering its numerous benefits. A Pre-sale cleaning is more than a deep cleaning in a real sense. Let’s look at what Pre-sale cleaning entails to sell your home faster:

  • Surfaces and wall clean up: To make your home attractive to the buyers, ensure the house walls and surfaces are cleaned and spotless. This involves steam cleaning carpets, walls, dusting and polishing all the furniture, and other surfaces that require cleaning. This extends to dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and much more.
  • De-clutter your home: This is top of your cleaning exercise, and it includes clearing out of all clutter that consumes your space or doesn’t look very attractive to house buyers. It has to be planned for, starting from parking and burning of unwanted items such as clothes, unused children toys, etc. Park all the useful items such as books, ornaments, and much more in a bag and pack them in one space that cannot cause obstruction.
  • Kitchen cleaning: Kitchen is another area that receives much attraction from buyers whenever they enter the house for inspection (especially ladies). Clean out the kitchen surfaces, tidy up all the appliances and cupboards, kitchenware, sponges, equipment, and any other rubbish in your kitchen. Remove all the built-up dirt and let in fresh air to remove any cooking smells that may scare your buyer away. You may decorate your kitchen with some elegant pieces like beautiful bowls, cookbooks, and flowers to add value to the kitchen settings. Everything in the kitchen should be shinny and sparkling with NO exceptions.
  • Bathroom cleaning: Clean, neat, and tidy! Buyers don’t take the state of the bathroom for granted. This is directly connected with health and well-being. All the toilet facilities are expected to be spackling clean on that day of inspection (NO excuses). Remove all the leftover soaps, toothbrushes, medicines, soap paper, and much more. You can replace them with new items to make it real to the buyer. Don’t neglect hanging up clean and white laundered towels to add value to the bathroom. Remove cobwebs and other built-up grime. The smell of the bathroom is something that most sellers don’t pay much attention. Whereas, it’s the first thing we get when approaching the bathrooms or toilets.
  • Bedrooms cleaning: There is a need to remove clothes and used bed linen. On that day of the inspection, endeavor to change your bed sheets and make the rooms look astonished. All the built-in rope should be tidy, organized, dust free and smelling good. All the mirrors should be with NO fingerprints and the rails beautifully cleaned allowing smooth opening and closing of the sliding doors. Blinds cleaned and put up. Windows and windows sills cleaned as well. Remove any clutter or unnecessary items from the rooms.
  • Living room cleaning: This is the first place your potential buyers see when they entered your home. Remove magazines, books, toys, newspapers, food, empty bottles, unattractive objects and leave only it to the minimum. You need to leave some free space to allow prospective buyers to imagine their belongings in the new property. Vacuum all the rugs or carpet to make it look clean. Dust off the furniture, center table and align the chairs, electronics, put the remotes in one spot, put some live green plants make sure the windows and the window sills are free of dust and finger marks.
  • Interior design cleaning: Carry out complete interior cleaning to add more value and to make the potential buyers speechless on their arrival to your home. I know that something in the photos or the marketing material might have attracted him or her to come to check the inside of the house. Since you have won his or her mind from outside the building, don’t let him or her meet your interior dirty or in a messy state. Clean everything at foresight such as lightings, fans, inner window, and much more and make them shine to the eyes.
  • External areas cleaning: Make the first impression stronger than inner side. This is what attracts your buyers to check inside. Wash and clean the windows, maintain the lawn, trim the grasses and flowerbeds, clear out the dead plants, clear the pathways, and empty unused flower pots. Remove dead leaves and weeds, and other forms of debris fell from winter or fall. You can consider planting fresh and colorful flowers in any free spaces in the compound. A professional cleaning service knows what to do to make your home attractive to the potential buyers from afar.
  • Clear the hallway of the building: The front gate of the house should not be neglected in this pre-sale cleaning service. Your corridor must be free of shoes, rough flowers, and should be made spacious to bring out the beauty. Ensure the hallway appeals to the buyers to check inside.


There is no doubt that a clean home sells much faster and at a much higher price. If you are looking to have these benefits,hire a professional cleaning service that offers such service in their package. Many homes have been under-valued due to the state of the house. A little investment sometimes brings about multiple offers. Investing in aPre-Sale cleaning is the best approach to give your home a significant market value that will exceed your expectations.

Or do you think you can do all these works alone? Yes! You can do it, but how long and how far? Some cleaning tasks are time-consuming and stressful; require sophisticated cleaning equipment to perform and a considerable knowledge. Usually, it’s performed by specialized teams with numerous members.

It’s NOT a one man job!

Selling a property in Melbourne has been made easy with Clean House Melbourne Pre-Sale cleaning service. They give the best service to add value to your home and make it sell faster than you think. Everything is done at affordable prices based on your budget. If you want to get the job done at one attempt, give it to Clean House Melbourne, and you will be assured they will deliver beyond expectation.

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