When talking about COVID-19, older adults are so much at severe risk of illness from the disease caused by the new strain of coronavirus. As reported by research, adults aged 60 years and above, especially those with underlying medical illnesses such as lung disease, cancer, heart disease, or diabetes are at higher risk of severe or even deadly infection of COVID-19 than others who fall in another age groups.

You might easily get worried if you are caring for an elderly loved one. People older than age 80 and with major illnesses are advised by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to take additional precautions as they are at greater risk.

We will share everything you need to know to keep your aged person safe from COVID-19.

Caregiving is Nice but Stressful

There can be multiple rewards for caregiving. Most caregivers understand the need to be available when needed by their loved ones. But it is almost sure to experience a shift in roles and emotions. You can easily feel angry, alone, frustrated, sad, or exhausted as all of these are normal.

The stress experienced, both emotionally and physically by caregivers is expected. People who often feel caregiver stress can experience recurring changes in their individual health.

Below are risk factors involved with caregiver stress:

  • Social isolation
  • Having depression
  • Financial issues
  • Spending a higher number of hours on caregiving
  • Nit having coping skills and facing difficulty in solving problems
  • No choice than to become a caregiver.

How to keep your Aged Carefree of Coronavirus

Even the most energetic person can be strained by the emotional and physical demands of caregiving. That is why you need to take advantage of the various resources and tools available to help you care and provide for your loved ones. Note, you will not be capable of helping anyone else if you refuse to take care of yourself. So, the approach starts from that.

Take care of yourself

Firstly, you as a caregiver should take all the necessary precautions possible to avoid getting infected. Whatever happens to you, automatically may transfer to your older adult you are taking.

Below are the things to do:


  • Wash your hands more often using soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds before and after giving care, using the restroom, preparing food, or touching public surface areas.
  • Stay away from crowds, and if you sneeze or cough, do this into the bend of your elbow or any disposable tissue.
  • Do not use your hands on your face.
  • Frequently clean highly touched surfaces, such as medical and mobility equipment used by your household members, like walkers, handrails, and canes.


Observe Physical Distancing, not Social Isolation

One vital way to reduce the risk of your elderly family members getting coronavirus is to reduce physical contacts. However, this may be difficult for older people who love to spend more time around family and friends. According to experts, observing physical distancing doesn’t mean you have to stay in isolation or remain lonely. We are responsible for keeping older adults safe, but also know that social isolation can give rise to negative effects on the immunity and mental health of older people.

This was stated in terms of social contact. Elders should be encouraged to look beyond their usual circle of family and friends. Their sense of connectedness can be greatly helped by saying “hi” to the delivery person or waving at neighbors. Congregants, most especially older ones may feel disconnected since many worship centers have closed their doors until the COVID-19 eases. Older adults feel more connected and in place when in faith communities. Elders can be helped by caregivers to access online services and outreach to find more spiritual support.


Help them to use Technology to remain Connected

For older adults to feel connected, less lonely, and purposeful during the coronavirus pandemic:


  • Teach them how they can video chat with their favorite persons with laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
  • Make use of apps on these devices to give captions for those with hearing defects.
  • Encourage your friends and family living outside the home to write notes, telephone, or send cards to make your loved ones feel loved.


Engage Elders

Giving projects to adults staying at home so they can work on it is recommended by experts. You may choose to organize old photos or other memorable items together, and both enjoy the happy memories they trigger. This can be the best time for a senior to prepare a favorite family recipe or enjoy favorite movies or songs with others people in the household.

Lower the Risk of Coronavirus Infection

Be sure to postpone unnecessary doctor appointments. If the older adult you are giving care is not feeling sick, you can help them postpone some appointments, unnecessary doctor visits, and other yearly check-ups. Always remember that many older adults, especially those having a severe illness, have vital connections with their caregivers. To make sure they keep in touch, be sure to ask if their doctor’s office offer telemedicine, which gives the doctors the chance and patients to interact over email, video, or other means excluding physical contacts.

Do not travel. Elderly ones should forget about unnecessary travel, especially cruises or any trips that could expose them to multitudes.

Follow a Plan

If possible, bring in your older family member to talk on how you plan to manage routine interruptions, as well as what your action will be if they or any of your family members become sick. You can lower stress when you discuss things in advance as a family, as well as make everyone feel prepared and involved.

Select a contact for an emergency. Assign a reliable person closer to you to care for your older family member in case you become ill. Make sure you stock up. Get about three months of medications, and a minimum of 2 weeks’ worth of food pet supplies, over-the-counter remedies, and other important items. Be sure to discover the available delivery services in your area.

Accept Help

Get ready with a list of methods that others can be of help for you, and allow the helper to pick what he or she would prefer to do. For example, someone may offer to take the elder in your care for a walk two times a week. Another person may choose to run an errand, shop, or prepare meals for you.

Most caregivers find it difficult to request for help. Sadly, this attitude can make them end up being isolated, depressed, worse, or frustrated.

The Caregiver working Outside the Home

About 60% of caregivers work outside their homes. If you are a caregiver and works outside the home, you may start to feel overwhelmed. In this case, consider taking a leave from your job for a certain period. It may be possible for workers covered under the Government Act to go on unpaid leave for up to twelve weeks annually to care for family members. Be sure to consult your human resources office for the unpaid leave options.

Make the Advance Call if you Notice Symptoms

If you or your family member noticed you might have been exposed to a COVID-19 infected person or if you notice the symptoms (sneeze, cough, shortness of breath, or fever) with any of your household members, contact your family doctor, emergency care facility, or nurse helpline immediately. This is what to do when you are not feeling too well. Most caregivers find it difficult to request for help. Sadly, this attitude can make them end up being isolated, depressed, or worse, frustrated.

Call 1800 020 080 immediately for any medical emergency like high fever or shortness of breath.

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