Home Organisers

Home Organisers

Let Us Organise Your Home

With so many demands on our time, it is understandable that many homes quickly fall into chaos. If you long for a clean and organised home, but feel overwhelmed at the prospect of achieving it, we can help. Our proven home organising process is thoughtful and methodical, honed over many years of caring for Melbourne families via our housekeeping and cleaning services.

Our home organising services are tailored to individual client needs but there are two typical pathways to choose from once we have decluttered and implemented organisational systems. Either we can guide you on how to maintain your home organisation or return periodically to reinstate order.

If you are ready for the life changing experience that a professional home organiser can bring — and are ready to embrace a new life of contentment and calm — we can’t wait to hear from you.

We Are The Best Home Organisers In Melbourne

Professional Home Organiser Melbourne
Professional Home Organiser Melbourne
Who are our clients?
  • Melbourne families seeking a home that is free from clutter and stress
  • Clients who are overwhelmed by the disorganised state of their home but don’t have the time tackle such a huge task
  • Clients who would rather spend their leisure time with friends and family rather than on a home organisation project
  • Clients with health and fitness levels that restrict them from achieving their home organisation goals on their own
  • Melbourne based National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) members whose healthcare team has recommended decluttering and home organising
  • Clients who are starting a family and “nesting” before a baby arrives
  • Clients who are moving house, downsizing or retiring to aged care
Trusted Personal Home Organiser Melbourne
Trusted Personal Home Organiser Melbourne
We Provide Unparalleled, Professional Home Organising Services
Arrange a FREE, no-obligation phone consultation to discuss the unique needs of your family.
During this 30-minute discovery call, we will discuss the challenges you face, and create a customised offering which will achieve your dream outcome.Once you decide to embark upon home organisation, you can be living in the pristine, organised home you’ve always dreamed of in as little as a week.We accept jobs of all shapes and sizes!Begin your home organising journey with a FREE 30-minute discovery call

Home Organisers
Home Organisers
Our promise to you

Choosing the right home organisation service in Melbourne can be complex. You want to find a professional, skilled and respectful provider who will meet your family’s needs. At Clean House Melbourne, we:

  • Listen to your challenges and desired outcomes
  • Treat you and your possessions with the utmost respect and care
  • Conduct our services without judgement
  • Dispose of unwanted items only with your explicit approval
  • Ensure you are involved as little, or as much, as you want
  • Establish a realistic budget with you and stick to it
  • Are a friendly and positive presence in your home
  • Our team of highly skilled, professionally trained
  • women are ready to achieve your home organisation goals
Home Organisers
Home Organisers

Case Study #1: Transforming Mrs. Johnson’s Cluttered Home into a Tranquil Living Space

The Challenge:
Mrs. Johnson, a 65-year-old NDIS participant with limited mobility, had accumulated years’ worth of items in her home. The clutter not only made it difficult to navigate through her house but also posed a safety risk and caused her to buy more of the same because she could not find what she needed.The Solution:Nancy and the team initially conducted a thorough consultation to understand Mrs. Johnson’s unique needs, challenges and limitations. We then devised a tailored, detailed plan to declutter her home in phases, focusing on high-traffic and most-used areas first.**Step 1**: Sorting items into categories—keep, donate, store or dispose.
**Step 2**: Rearranging furniture to improve mobility and minimise tripping hazards.
**Step 3**: Deep cleaning the home to remove grime, bacteria, and allergens and improve air quality.
**Step 4**: Implementing decluttering and home organisation solutions such as shelves, dividers and hooks to maintain a clean and tidy space.The Result:

Within two weeks, Mrs. Johnson’s home was totally decluttered and organised. Not only could she navigate her home easily, but she also reported feeling significantly more relaxed and happier in her newly organised space.

**Mobility**: Improved by 70%, as measured by the time it took for Mrs. Johnson to move from one room to another.
**Safety**: No tripping hazards remaining.
**Client Satisfaction**: 5/5 stars on post-service survey.

Home Organisers Melbourne
Case Study #2: Reclaiming Space in the Williams Family Home
The Challenge:
The Williams family, a family of five, had a hectic lifestyle that led to a disorganised home. Between work, school, and other activities, they struggled to keep their home tidy, clean and organised, impacting their quality of life and overall wellbeing.The Solution:
Our team offered a home assessment to pinpoint the critical problem areas. Realising that each family member had unique needs, we involved everyone in the home decluttering process to ensure long-lasting results.**Step 1**: Decluttering kids’ rooms by categorising and labelling toys and school materials.
**Step 2**: Revamping and re-organising the kitchen to make meal prep easier.
**Step 3**: Tackling the garage that had become a dumping ground for unused items.
**Step 4**: Providing easy-to-follow maintenance tips to help the Williams family keep their home organised as we have left it.The Result:
In just ten days, the Williams family had a revitalised home that everyone took pride in living in it and was helping to maintain it.**Efficiency**: Meal prep time reduced by 30%.
**Mental Wellbeing**: All family members reported feeling more relaxed and less stressed. They have even started inviting friends, neighbours and family members to visit them.
**Client Satisfaction**: 5/5 stars on the post-service survey, with a commitment to bi-annual maintenance services.

Someone who has used our service said:
Nancy is without a doubt a game changer and fantastic at what she does. She not only worked with me to organise my space but cleaned my home spotless. I highly recommend her services
“Nancy came in and completely transformed my home! She was very organized and had a clear image of exactly the house was supposed to look like. She did that and much more! She is so sweet and easy to work with. She is also very efficient in the work she does, and really pays attention to the small details. Thank you, Nancy!!”
“Nancy’s approach and expertise are unique, her attention to details is making a true difference. Thank you for the amazing job you have done with all my closets and the whole house, everything is finally organised in style. Can’t recommend enough!”