5 Reasons Why You Should Spring Clean Your Office

We’re all accustomed to the idea of spring cleaning our homes – it makes perfect sense to get rid of all of the dust and grime that builds up over the colder months. But the office? Does that need spring cleaning too? Well, if you care about productivity and profitability, then the answer is definitely YES.

Keep reading to learn why spring cleaning your office is a great investment in your business!

#1 – Spring cleaning keeps your employees happy

These days, people spend nearly as much time in the office as they do at home, so the environment that you create for them is of utmost importance to employee happiness. Nobody looks forward to coming into a workplace that is messy, dirty, dusty or cluttered.

Poorly cleaned and badly organised environments are a sure fire way to bring down employee morale, which is the very last thing you want in any workplace. Instead, it’s wise to outsource this essential task to office cleaning professionals. Your employees with thank you for it!

#2 – Spring cleaning keeps your employees healthy

Not only can office spring cleaning boost employee happiness, it can also help to keep them healthier. A clean, tidy, and hygienic office will minimise allergies and the spread of germs. This is particularly important during spring time when pollen, dust and viruses are at their highest.

Phones, desks, handles and keyboards are magnets for germs and bacteria, and if you don’t make a point of cleaning these items properly, illnesses will spread through your workplace like wildfire.

Furthermore, deep cleaning desks and work surfaces, bathrooms, kitchens and rest areas is particularly important, as these high-use areas can quickly become hazardous to health if not sanitised regularly.

#3 – Spring cleaning improves productivity

By now, the benefits of decluttering are well known. Clutter and anxiety often go hand in hand, so a better organised office will help your employees feel more relaxed and focused at work.

Whether it’s tidying up months’ worth of files, creating a system of organisation in the storage cupboard, or tidying up the kitchen, a decluttered space is important for clearing the mind. Therefore, spring cleaning your office is a worthwhile way to boost your employees’ mental health and productivity.


#4 – Spring cleaning creates a professional business image

Imagine entering the office of someone you might be considering doing business with, only to find a range of messes, dusty corners, stained carpets and greasy handles. Chances are, your first impression of this business wouldn’t be a good one! You may even use the state of their offices as a reason not to do business with that firm any more. Let’s face it, if a business can’t keep their offices clean and hygienic, how can they look after their customers effectively?

With this in mind, it’s important to place yourself in your customer’s shoes when assessing whether you should invest in office spring cleaning. Create the best first impression you can with a gleaming and attractive representation of everything your business has to offer.

#5 – Spring cleaning is tax deductible

It goes without saying that businesses of all sizes have to be careful with what they spend on general running costs. But it’s also worth remembering that many outgoings, such as office cleaning, will be tax deductible. This makes the investment in office spring cleaning all the more attractive to the business owner! Not only will outsourcing this job to a professional office cleaning company improve the productivity and morale in your office, it’ll also reduce your tax burden!



Need help with spring cleaning your office this spring? Help is at hand. Clean House Melbourne is a highly rated office cleaning company that can take care of all of your office cleaning needs, without you or your employees having to lift a finger!

Call us today for a tailored quote on 0407 094 444

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